Sunday 5 August 2012

Easy Math Riddles with Answers

1)    Why should you never mention the number 288 in front of anyone?

Answer: Because 288 is too gross (2*144 = two gross)!

2)    What weighs more - a pound of iron or a pound of feathers?

Answer: Both would weigh the same - come on, a pound remains a pound, irrespective of the object!

3)   How many eggs can you put in an empty basket? 

Answer: Only one egg, because after that the basket doesn't remain empty any more

4)     If you can purchase 8 eggs for 26 cents, how many can you buy for a cent and a quarter?
Answer: Eight

5)    If you take 3 apples from a group of 5, how many do you have?Answer: Three - you just took them yourself!

6)    How many 9s are there between 1 and 100?
Answer: Twenty 9s

7)   Which has more value - 1 pound of $20 gold coins or half a pound of $40 gold coins?
Answer: Twice of half a pound is one pound - figured it out yet?

9)     Why is the longest human nose on record is only 11 inches long?
Answer: Because then it wouldn't be a nose any more; it would become a foot! (12 inches and above - easy!)

8.    If a rooster laid 13 eggs and the farmer took 8 of them and then another rooster laid 12 eggs and 4 of them were rotten, how many of the eggs were left?
Answer: Roosters don't lay no eggs!

9) I am an odd number; take away an alphabet and I become even. What number am I? 

Answer: 7 (SEVEN-S=EVEN) 

Hard Math Riddles 
          ...............with Answers

1.    What would be the seventh rung of the following pyramid?
(Psst! This is one of the best riddles and my personal favorite in this section - so, don't let me down on this one!)

Answer: 1113213211. After the first line, each line describes the previous line as follows:
one 1
2 Ones
One 2, One 1
(and so on...)

2.    You have a barrel of beer and you need to measure out just one gallon. How do you do this if you only have a three-gallon container and a five-gallon container?
Answer: Fill the 3 gallon container with beer and pour it into the 5 gallon container. Then fill the 3-gallon container again and keep pouring it into the 5-gallon container till the latter is full to the brim. One gallon will be left in the 3-gallon container.

3.    If you have 6 black socks, 4 blue socks, 8 brown socks, and 2 red socks in your sock drawer, what is the minimum number of socks that you need to pull out in the dark to be sure you had a matching pair?

Answer: At least 5, so that at least one color has two socks

4.    Jake weighs half as much as Joe, and John weighs three times as much as Jake. Together, they weigh 720 pounds. How much does each man weigh?

Answer: If Jake weighs twice as much as Joe, and John three times as much, dividing their total weight by six gives us Jake's weight (think x + 2x + 3x = 720). 720 divided by 6 tells us that Jake weighs 120 pounds, so Joe weighs 240 pounds and John weighs 360 pounds.

5.    So you think you're good at math? Complete the sequence: 1=3, 2=3, 3=5, 4=4, 5=4, 6=3, 7=5, 8=5, 9=4, 10=3, 11=?, 12=?

Answer: 6. That is the number of letters in the spelling of each number!

6.    In a certain country ½ of 5 = 3. Assuming the same proportion, what would be the value of 1/3 of 10 ?

Answer: 4

7.    27 ducks are marching to the pond. 5 lose their way, 13 return and 9 of them make it to the pond. What happens to the rest of them?

Answer: None are remaining!( 27-5= 22, 22-13= 9, 9-9=0!!!)

8.    Mary has three coins of the USA currency. They are neither, quarters, dimes nor pennies but they add up to 60 cents. What are they?

Answer: A 50 cent and 2 nickels

9.    A merchant can place 8 large boxes or 10 small boxes into a carton for shipping. In one shipment, he sent a total of 96 boxes. If there are more large boxes than small boxes, how many cartons did he ship?

Answer: 11 cartons total; 7 large boxes (7 * 8 = 56 boxes), 4 small boxes (4*10 = 40 boxes),11 total cartons and 96 boxes.

10.  A frog fell into a hole that was 14 ½ feet deep. He could jump 3 feet, but he slid back a foot each time he jumped. How many jumps does it take him to get out of the hole?

Answer: Every 3 feet jump accompanied by a 1 foot slide equals 2 feet high jumps each; at this rate, so the 7th jump, starting at 12 feet, brings him to 15 feet, which takes him out of the hole.

11.  Aron had twelve ear buds in front of him. He took one away. Now he had nine in front of him. How is this possible?

Answer: The remaining buds were arranged to form the figure of 9!! How else??


  1. wowww fun riddles so educational

  2. If a huter shoots 1 bird off a tree and there were 10. How many are left.
    ANSWER:none because the shoot scares them away.
