Friday 10 August 2012

Automorphic Numbers

If all the powers of the numbers ending with a given digit, ends with the same digit(number),then it is called an automorphic number.
Eg; 12=1 : 112= 121 : 212=441…….
13= 1 ; 14 = 1 ;15 = 1 etc….
1 is an automorphic number.
Other examples are 5 and 6.
62 = 36                                                  52 = 25
63 = 216                                               53= 125
762 = 5776                                           252 = 625                                 
763= 438976                                        253 = 15625

Hurshad Numbers

If the sum of digits of a number is a factor of the number, then it is called a Hurshad Number.
Eg: 476: Sum of the digits = 4+7+6 =17.
17 is a factor of 476.
629, 782, 935, 1088 are other examples of Hurshad Numbers.

Kaprekar Numbers:

If the square of a number we make two parts and on adding  these parts we get the same number, then it is called Kaprekar Number.
Eg: 55
552 = 3025 ;  (30/25) . Here when we add :30+25 = 55.
Similarly, 452= 2025 ; (20/25) 
Adding the parts 20 +25 = 45
45, 55 etc are Kaprekar Numbers.

Defective Numbers

The number whose sum of factors other than itself is less than itself is called a defective Number.
Eg: 10
The factors of 10 are 1, 2, 5.
Sum of these factors = 1+ 2+ 5 = 8 < 10.

Excessive Numbers

The number whose sum of factors other than itself is greater than itself is called an excessive number.
Eg:  12.
Factors of 12 are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6
Sum of these factors : 1+ 2+ 3 + 4+ 6 = 16 > 12.

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