Monday 20 August 2012

Math’s Interesting Facts

·         The word "mathematics" comes from the Greek máthēma, which means learning, study, science.
·         What comes after a million, billion and trillion? A quadrillion, quintillion, sextillion, septillion, octillion, nonillion, decillion and undecillion.
·         Different names for the number 0 include zero, nought, naught, nil, zilch and zip.
·         The = sign ("equals sign") was invented by 16th Century Welsh mathematician Robert Recorde, who was fed up with writing "is equal to" in his equations.
·         Googol (meaning & origin of Google brand) is the term used for a number 1 followed by 100 zeros and that it was used by a nine-year old, Milton Sirotta, in 1940.
·         The name of the popular search engine ‘Google’ came from a misspelling of the word ‘googol’.
·         Abacus is considered the origin of the calculator.
·         12,345,678,987,654,321 is the product of 111,111,111 x 111,111,111. Notice the sequence of the numbers 1 to 9 and back to 1.
·         Plus (+) and Minus (-) sign symbols were used as early as 1489 A.D.
·         An icosagon is a shape with 20 sides.
·         Trigonometry is the study of the relationship between the angles of triangles and their sides.
·         If you add up the numbers 1-100 consecutively (1+2+3+4+5...) the total is 5050.
·         2 and 5 are the only primes that end in 2 or 5.
·         From 0 to 1,000, the letter "A" only appears in 1,000 ("one thousand").
·         'FOUR' is the only number in the English language that is spelt with the same number of letters as the number itself
·         40 when written "forty" is the only number with letters in alphabetical order, while "one" is the only one with letters in reverse order.
·         Among all shapes with the same perimeter a circle has the largest area.
·         Among all shapes with the same area circle has the shortest perimeter .
·         In 1995 in Taipei, citizens were allowed to remove ‘4’ from street numbers because it sounded like ‘death’ in Chinese. Many Chinese hospitals do not have a 4th floor.
·         In many cultures no 13 is considered unlucky, well,there are many myths around it .One is that In some ancient European religions, there were 12 good gods and one evil god; the evil god was called the 13th god.Other is superstition goes back to the Last Supper. There were 13 people at the meal, including Jesus Christ, and Judas was thought to be the 13th guest.
Some beautiful examples with multiplication

12345679 x 9 = 111111111;
12345679 x 8 = 98765432

An interesting fact about primes
Mathematicians of XVIII
th century proved that numbers 31; 331; 3331; 33331; 333331; 3333331; 33333331 are primes. It was a big temptation to think that all numbers of such kind are primes. But the next number is not a prime.
333333331 = 17 x 19607843

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